907 N. Elm Street, Suite 101, Hinsdale, IL 60521

Sports Injuries Treatments


Overuse, concussions, fractures, strains, and sprains are all types of injuries that may occur while playing sports. Among athletes, most average at least two injuries during their lifetime with very few never getting hurt while on the field or court.

Anyone who plays sports should be aware of the most common methods of treating injuries. However, the specific injury and severity will factor into which treatment is right for each person.

The RICE method is a self-care technique that helps with healing, pain relief, and reduced swelling. RICE stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation. It can be done at home, but if the pain doesn’t lessen, a physician should be seen.

First, rest for at least two days, avoiding all sports. Use an ice pack on the injured area for 15 or 20 minutes every two to three hours. Wrap the area with a medical bandage to help avoid swelling. Finally, elevate the injured area to be higher than the level of your heart.

Medication can be used as part of a treatment plan. However, it should not be the sole method used to heal. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are useful in chronic conditions where inflammation prevents healing. In acute injuries, NSAIDs can delay the healing process.

Common NSAIDs include ibuprofen and naproxen, which can be bought over the counter.

Stretching can be used as a method to prevent sports injuries. Following stretching exercises can improve performance, range of motion, and flexibility. After an injury, certain exercises may be useful for healing.

A physical therapist can determine what is injured and how badly before choosing a plan to fix it. The RICE method often comes first, followed by a controlled motion phase. This can take an athlete back to the normal workout schedules used before the injury.

Traction devices, dressings, splints, and casts immobilize a body part so it heals under the best conditions. With traction, weights, pulleys, and ropes are used to create pressure and move an injured body part back into position. This can ease pain, help with healing, and may be used before surgery.

Steroid injections utilize a needle with medication inside and are used to reduce inflammation and pain. These injections can also be used to diagnose some injuries. If an injection is used and it eliminates the pain, the provider can make a diagnosis based on that information.

Injections can be used in painful areas around tendons as well as in the joints. The medication in the syringe includes a steroid and anesthetic for both short- and long-term pain relief.

In situations where no other treatments are helping, surgery can help with sports injuries. However, other methods should be tried first as surgeries can be painful and leave someone recovering for a much longer period than other medical solutions.

Modern Pain Consultants offers several pain relief options for athletes suffering from sports injuries. We’ll do a comprehensive assessment and physical exam to determine the underlying problem. Our solutions are patient-specific and designed to offer you quick pain relief so you can get back out there and play again.